
I'm Leaving Twitter for Good, Follow Me to/on Mastodon

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I'm going to stop using Twitter again (and again) after using the service for over a decade. However, this time, it is not just temporarily.


I don't think I have to list all the incredible stupid things Elon Musk is doing at/with Twitter. You can read by yourself on the Wikipedia article on the Acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. Not only with the latest ban of many important accounts of journalists, Elon made clear what "freedom of speech" means to him.

A Hunch

Even I as somebody who frequently remembers that services will go offline some day wrote on my 2017 version of the article about my cloud dependencies:

Twitter has a high chance of being discontinued in the far future. However, it's not likely that this is going to happen in the next years. Twitter depends on one single firm and it is a closed source cloud service.

The recent events are a welcomed reality check for my own beliefs. Things may change much faster than anticipated.

Status, Statistics

As of 2022-12-16, I do have 837 followers on Twitter and I follow 153 Twitter-accounts. On Mastodon, I've got over 1,674 followers and follow 142 accounts. The number of Mastodon followers surpassed my Twitter followers only this April. Therefore, my followers have voted with their own platform choice.

Next Steps

I briefly announced my Twitter-leave with this message. My plan to replace Twitter with Mastodon now has turned out to be a good idea.

I'll uninstall my Twitter app from my phone and also stopped my Twitter-Mastodon-Crossposter. I'm not deleting old Tweets for now but this may change in future. I may now remove one of my cloud dependencies from my list. You'll see Twitter only in the archived versions of that page (search for "Archive" in the footer of each page).

Unfortunately, there are still some Twitter accounts I'll miss on Mastodon. I hope they will follow to Mastodon some fine day.

Bye Twitter, Hello Mastodon!

If you're following me on the bird site, you should use a Mastodon account and start following @publicvoit@karl-voit.at - just search for this on Mastodon and you will find my Mastodon profile on whichever instance I'm at the moment.

Alternatively, you can follow me using an RSS/Atom aggregator: https://graz.social/@publicvoit.rss (this URL might change when I switch instances in future). Of course, you can also follow my blog articles using your aggregator.

Thanks Elon. You made it very easy for me.

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