CLOSED: [2016-11-25 Fri 17:01] :PROPERTIES: :ID: tags-privacy :CREATED: [2016-11-25 Fri 16:58] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2016-11-25 Fri 17:01] :END: Privacy is very important to me. Since I've got some security background and my main interest is [[id:tags-pim][Personal Information Management]], being interested in privacy is the logical consequence. I blog a lot on this and similar topics. My most popular blog article on privacy is the one about [[id:2016-11-12-cloud][the cloud]]. It is an interesting collection on real-life incidents that prove that using cloud services has to be thought about carefully. To me, it is perfectly OK to use cloud services for your data [[id:2020-09-29-cloud-data-conditions][under those conditions you should be aware of]]. There is also a German version of this article: [[id:2020-09-30-cloud-daten-bedingungen][Es ist in Ordnung, wenn du deine persönlichen Daten Cloud-Firmen gibst]]. You might also check out my articles on [[id:tags-pim][PIM]], [[id:tags-quantifiedself][quantified self]], [[id:tags-security][security]], and [[id:tags-surveillance][surveillance]]. ------------------------ In 2017, I gave a [[id:2017-05-07-Digitale-Selbstverteidigung][German talk at the Grazer Linuxdays]] which sums up most of my ideas about privacy: #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT