CLOSED: [2020-03-19 Thu 23:42] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2020-03-18-demo-filetags-tag-tagtrees :CREATED: [2020-03-18 Wed 23:39] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2020-03-19 Thu 23:42] :END: This is part of a multi-step demo: 1. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-intro][Demo introduction]] 2. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-date2name][Adding date- and/or time-stamps to files]] 3. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-appendfilename][Appending some text to file names]] 4. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-tagging][Tagging files]] 5. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-filter][Filter files according to their tags]] 6. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-mk-tagtrees][Generating TagTrees and navigating them]] 7. *File manipulation in filtered views or TagTrees* 8. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-setup][Quick Setup Instructions]] ------------------------ If you find those tag filter or TagTrees handy, you will be very happy about these features: #+BEGIN_HTML Screencast showing advanced file management features within TagTrees or tag filter views #+END_HTML What is shown: 1. Notice the file name =2020-03-16 Lunch menu - Trattoria -- public.pdf=. 2. A new level 3 *TagTrees hierarchy* is generated. 3. Within the TagTrees folder "public", the *linked file* is located. 4. From the context menu, *the "filetags" feature is invoked* while the file is selected. 5. In the *filetags dialog*, "-public", "anewtag" and "thisiscool" is entered. 6. The *result is shown*. - Notice the tag removal with prepended =-= as explained in [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-tagging][a previous demo step]]. - Notice that arbitrary tags may be entered and not just pre-defined ones from within =.filetags= file. - *Changing tags* is *applied to* the *linked file* in the TagTrees *as well as the original file*. - The linked file does not get moved within the TagTrees to update the situation. If you need an updated TagTrees, please close the Explorer window and re-genrate a new one. This is an awesome way of re-tagging sets of files. Not shown here: - The same trick to renaming the original file as well can be applied to "appendfilename". Next: [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-setup][Quick Setup Instructions]]