CLOSED: [2020-03-18 Wed 23:56] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2020-03-18-demo-filetags-setup :CREATED: [2020-03-18 Wed 23:39] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2020-03-18 Wed 23:56] :END: This is part of a multi-step demo: 1. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-intro][Demo introduction]] 2. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-date2name][Adding date- and/or time-stamps to files]] 3. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-appendfilename][Appending some text to file names]] 4. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-tagging][Tagging files]] 5. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-filter][Filter files according to their tags]] 6. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-mk-tagtrees][Generating TagTrees and navigating them]] 7. [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-tag-tagtrees][File manipulation in filtered views or TagTrees]] 8. *Quick Setup Instructions* Now that you got a small idea on the large set of possibilities, you might want to play around with it yourself. Be my guest, everything here is open source software and can be installed and used for free. In contrast to the File Exporer interaction, it is recommended to choose a browser tool that allows for custom keyboard shortcuts when invoking external tools. In [[id:apps-I-am-using][my file browser apps]], I've got following keyboard shortcuts defined: | Function | File Browser | Image Viewer | |---------------------+--------------+--------------| | =filetags= | =Ctrl-t= | =t= | | =filetags filter= | =Ctrl-f= | =s= | | =filetags TagTrees= | =Ctrl-T= | =T= | | =appendfilename= | =Ctrl-a= | =a= | | =date2name= | =Ctrl-d= | =d= | Using those keyboard shortcuts, it is much easier to interact with files. **** Windows Setup You can get this setup using Python and [[][pip]] very easily via my [[][integratethis]] package. After having installed Python and pip, just copy and paste the following lines in a Windows command line environment that has the permission to install and setup tools: : pip install pypiwin32 integratethis filetags date2name appendfilename Setting up the File Explorer "Sent to..." context menu is tedious to do manually. Therefore, I developed =integratethis= which does the job of adding and removing entries in the "Send to" context menu: : integratethis date2name : integratethis time2name : integratethis appendfilename --confirm : integratethis filetags --confirm : integratethis filetags --parameter="--filter" --displayname "filetags filter" : integratethis filetags --parameter="--filter --recursive" --displayname "filetags filter recursive" : integratethis filetags --parameter="--tagtrees --recursive --tagtrees-handle-no-tag no-tags" --displayname "TagTrees recursive" : integratethis filetags --parameter="--tagtrees --tagtrees-depth 3" --displayname "TagTrees lvl3" **** Non-Windows Setup For non-Windows users, the process is quite similar. However, you may omit =pypiwin32= and =integratethis= since they are only needed on Windows systems. : pip install filetags date2name appendfilename The integration into file browsing tools like =geeqie= or =Thunar= needs to be done manually as [[id:2014-05-09-managing-digital-photographs][described here in the longer article explaining everything]]. **** Congrats! *Thanks for taking the tour*. I hope that I could help to improve your computer life! If you like what you see in this demo and you want to automate even more, you might also like the following tools that are not demonstrated here: - [[][guessfilename]] - [[][]] - [[][move2archive]] Back to: [[id:2020-03-18-demo-filetags-intro][Demo introduction]]