****** DONE How Do I Profit from Free and Open Source Software? (GLT19-Talk) :blog:graz:events:open:pim:software: CLOSED: [2019-04-29 Mon 15:44] SCHEDULED: <2019-04-29 Mon> :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2019-04-27-GLT19-FOSS-talk :CREATED: [2019-04-28 Sun 21:54] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2019-04-29 Mon 15:44] :END: At the [[https://glt19.linuxtage.at/][Linuxdays 2019 in Graz]] I gave a motivational talk "[[https://pretalx.linuxtage.at/glt19/talk/NLHJAV/][How Do I Profit from Free and Open Source Software?]]" as I [[id:2019-04-23-GLT19-FOSS-talk-announcement][already announced]]. It is be a motivational talk that mentions some arguments for free and open software. I tried to cover the point of views for normal computer users, companies deciding for software or source code producing persons deciding for a license model. #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT Due to technical issues with room speakers, the whole talk was suspended from minute 32 to 36. Please do skip the time in-between. You do not miss any content from the talk since I stopped talking until the issue was solved. You can get the video also [[https://media.ccc.de/v/glt19-28-how-do-i-profit-from-free-and-open-source-software-][from the CCC media server]] which I recommend in contrast to YouTube.