CLOSED: [2017-01-01 Sun 21:31] SCHEDULED: <2017-01-01 Sun> :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2017-01-01 Sun 20:46] :ID: 2017-01-01-memacs-grep :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2017-01-01 Sun 21:31] :END: [[][Memacs]] is a nice Python software that collects misc data and generates Org-mode files for me. This way, my agenda contains all of my emails, text messages, Git commits, photographs I took, and so forth. With the Memacs-module [[][filenametimestamps]], all of my files whose file name begins with an [[][ISO time-stamp]] are indexed and stored in an Org-mode file. Using a custom link, I am able to define and access links to those files without the need of knowing their location in my file system hierarchy: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (setq org-link-abbrev-alist '( ;; tsfile = time-stamp file ("tsfile" . "~/path/to/memacs/files.org_archive::/\*.*%s/") )) #+END_SRC Therefore, this works with the standard Org-mode featureset: you create a link which looks like this: : [[tsfile:2017-01-01_Manual_for_my_amplifier.pdf]] or : [[tsfile:2017-01-01_Manual_for_my_amplifier.pdf][My amp manual] When you want to open the PDF file, you put the cursor on the link and press =C-c C-o= (for =org-open-at-point()=). Emacs opens the =files.org_archive= in a buffer and jumps right to the heading of this file. The heading consists of an absolute link to the file in your file system. Therefore, when you press =C-c C-o= once again, your PDF file opens before your eyes. This method is totally independent of the folder that holds the PDF file. I can move around those files in my file system hierarchy without getting broken links. Neat, isn't it? In my case, I got so many files containing ISO datestamps, that my =files.org_archive= holds almost half a million entries. Opening this Org-mode file with my Emacs settings and jumping to the corresponding heading takes very long. So long that it is not feasible to be used any more. Behold, [[][grep]] to the rescue! ----------------------- An [[][awesome blog article by John Kitchin about the new link features of Org-mode version 9]] let me think of an alternative approach: Why not use the powerful (and fast) =grep= tool to query for the matching headings, extract the absolute path from it, and open the linked file? Well, I tried to code this Elisp snippet myself and failed - as usual. Simple things that I'd code in Python within minutes are tedious to impossible for me in Elisp. Oh, how I pity myself for not being able to do those things in Elisp myself. To my great relief, John Kitchin coded the lines necessary so that I am able to present you my currently working solution for the issue: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defvar memacs-root "~/org/memacs/") (defvar memacs-file-pattern "files.org_archive") ;; also possible: "*.org" ;; by John Kitchin (defun my-handle-tsfile-link (querystring) ;; get a list of hits (let ((queryresults (split-string (s-trim (shell-command-to-string (concat "grep \"" querystring "\" " (concat memacs-root memacs-file-pattern)))) "\n" t))) ;; check length of list (number of lines) (cond ((= 0 (length queryresults)) ;; edge case: empty query result (message "Sorry, no results found for query: %s" querystring)) (t (with-temp-buffer (insert (if (= 1 (length queryresults)) (car queryresults) (completing-read "Choose: " queryresults))) (org-mode) (goto-char (point-min)) (org-next-link) (org-open-at-point)))))) (org-link-set-parameters "tsfile" :follow (lambda (path) (my-handle-tsfile-link path)) :help-echo "Opens the linked file with your default application") #+END_SRC Thanks John! This brings me back a missed feature to my Org-mode life.