** DONE Postcardware :blog:software:open: CLOSED: [2018-06-07 Thu 19:30] SCHEDULED: <2018-06-07 Thu> :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2018-06-07 Thu 08:38] :ID: 2018-06-07-cardware :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2018-06-07 Thu 19:30] :END: There is a style of software distribution which is called [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardware][postcardware or in short: cardware]]. It basically offers software for free when you send an old-fashioned postcard to the programmer. I do like this idea although I stick to classic open source license models like the GPL. Therefore, I added a paragraph to the README files of [[https://github.com/novoid][my open source projects]]: #+BEGIN_QUOTE How to Thank Me: I'm glad you like my tools. If you want to support me: - Send old-fashioned postcard per snailmail - I love personal feedback! - see [[http://tinyurl.com/j6w8hyo][my address]] - [...] #+END_QUOTE This week, I got my first postcard! #+CAPTION: The postcard from Jack #+ATTR_HTML: :align center :width 560 [[tsfile:2018-06-07T09.01.44 Thank-you-postcard from Jack 560x420 -- publicvoit anonymized.jpg][2018-06-07T09.01.44 Thank-you-postcard from Jack 560x420 -- publicvoit anonymized.jpg]] It was sent by [[https://www.baty.net/about/][Jack Baty]] who also wrote [[https://www.baty.net/2018/using-karl-voits-file-naming-system/][a cool article on filetags]] and related tools by me. He is also using [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs][Memacs]]. What a nice thing to do - it totally made my day. To the surprise of many people who ask me about it, I hardly get any feedback at all on my software projects. So if you are out there, using nice open source tools, think about sending a postcard to the programmer or the project - it values the work invested for making those tools usable to others.