CLOSED: [2017-05-21 Sun 09:12] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2017-05-21-Kotlin :CREATED: [2017-05-21 Sun 09:02] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2017-05-21 Sun 09:12] :END: It's been a while since I stumbled over a blog post where a qualified programmer writes an enthusiastic text on a programming language. Today, I read [[][Why Kotlin Is Better Than Whatever Dumb Language You're Using]] by [[][Steve Yegge]] who has quite some reputation in ranting. This time, he wrote almost a love story about [[][Kotlin]]. It's a language by [[][JetBrains]], the company behind the programming IDE [[][IntelliJ IDEA]]. That's a good thing: a programming language designed by programmers with excellent support within an IDE. Kotlin became a first-class support language for programming the Android platform. This is where Steve got in touch with Kotlin. He loves how Kotlin makes coding for Android fun again. Besides his lyrical blog post (it's a love-at-first-sight story) I did find it interesting that he is using the [[id:tags-emacs][Emacs]] editor to code and then switches to IntelliJ IDEA with its excellent support for Kotlin to fix his errors. Quite a bold argument for Emacs as an IDE.