***** DONE 33c3: Machine Dreams :blog:philosophy:presentations:videos:mindblowing:psychology:research: CLOSED: [2017-02-25 Sat 18:58] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2017-02-25-machine-dreams :CREATED: [2017-02-25 Sat 18:50] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "STARTED" [2017-02-25 Sat 18:58] :END: Awesome video from [[https://media.ccc.de/v/33c3-8369-machine_dreams][a talk]] at the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Congress][33c3]] by [[https://twitter.com/plinz][Joscha Bach]]: #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT It's about the universe, digital physics, life, the world as a dream produced by our perception, a synthesizer model of cognition, the conductor theory of our consciosness, the value of entropy, altruism versus selfishness and so forth. A complete new perspecive on the meaning of life or the lack thereof. Makes your head explode if you think carefully about it.