CLOSED: [2016-05-11 Wed 09:36] SCHEDULED: <2016-05-11 Wed> :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2016-05-08-Eben-Moglen-Cloud :CREATED: [2016-05-08 Sun 12:12] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2016-05-11 Wed 09:36] :END: [[][Eben Moglen]] is a professor of law. He is also a advocate for privacy. I came across his famous "Freedom in the Cloud" talk 2010 where he talked about the need for a decentralized internet. An internet, where we all keep our data in our own control. He founded the [[][FreedomBox project]] which aims to provide an easy-to-use privacy-aware device that holds our data and connects to other people's FreedomBoxes (or browsers). His inspiring talk impressed my very much: #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT