CLOSED: [2016-05-08 Sun 12:01] SCHEDULED: <2016-05-08 Sun> :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2016-05-08 Sun 11:41] :ID: 2016-05-08-ricardo-semler :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2016-05-08 Sun 12:01] :END: The tag "mindblowing" I introduced with this blog entry will mark a collection of stuff I've came across that blew my mind. Each of them changed or enlarged my mind-set to a great extend. The following talk I watched only yesterday: Ricardo Semler gives an impressive TED-talk on his philosophy of life, business, and education. #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT The vast amount of great and inherent revolutionary ideas in this talk is too much to be covered here in this article. I simply would have to post a written-down version of the talk. Watch it.