*** DONE Emacs Chat with Sacha Chua :blog:emacs:software:pim: CLOSED: [2014-12-03 Mi 19:27] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2014-12-03-emacs-chat :CREATED: [2014-12-03 Mi 19:27] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2014-12-03 Mi 19:27] :END: I just had a nice [[http://sachachua.com/][Emacs Chat with Sacha Chua]] about PIM, Emacs, Org-mode and how I manage my digital stuff with it. #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML #+END_EXPORT -------------- There is also [[http://irreal.org/blog/?p=3496][a nice summary of the Emacs Chat]] by [[https://twitter.com/jr0cket][@jr0cket]] and [[http://emacslife.com/emacs-chats/chat-karl-voit.html][the full transcript of the Emacs Chat]]. In case you watched the chat, you might be interested in my notes I wrote upfront. There are many links which provide you more information on the topics. Please comment below if something is missing to you. 1. My History of Editors - 90s: - Qedit ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_SemWare_Editor][Wikipedia]], [[http://www.melbpc.org.au/pcupdate/9410/9410article11.htm][1994 article of PC Update]]) - Ro-Text (from a [[http://www.rosoft.de/][small German company]]) - XEmacs - 00s: - XEmacs -> gvim - since 2011 [[http://linuxtage.at][GLT11]]: GNU/Emacs + Org-mode - Thanks Eraldo! - gvim only for emails (mutt), usenet (slrn), and small things that require no "mode" 2. My Big Motivations - Curiosity - Laziness - Optimizations 3. Personal Information Management (PIM) + using tools - hardware history - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filofax][Filofax]] (good old paper) - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handspring_%2528company%2529#Visor_and_Visor_Deluxe][Handspring Visor]] (PalmOS) - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Tungsten#Tungsten_T3][Palm T3]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp_Zaurus][Sharp Zaurus]] (Linux-based) - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Tungsten#Tungsten_T3][Palm T3]] (again after dropping Zaurus) - Android + [[http://tasker.dinglisch.net/][Tasker]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs][Memacs]] - Org-mode + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs][Memacs]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_PDA][Hipster PDA]] (good old paper; always in my pocket) - [[id:apps-I-am-using][software]] + testing methods - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done][GTD]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique][Pomodoro]] - reading great books like - Mark Hurst: [[http://bitliteracy.com/][Bit Literacy]] - see also the long list of references in [[http://tagstore.org/downloads/Voit2012b.pdf][my PhD]] - much more + I'd like to conduct workshops, give talks, teach, ... - Where - [[http://linuxtage.at/community/][Open-Source community]] here in [[http://www.graztourismus.at/en][Graz]] - Universities - Companies - wherever there are curious people :-) - Topics - [[https://github.com/novoid/org-mode-workshop][org-mode-workshop]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX][LaTeX]] (introduction, advanced topics, [[https://github.com/novoid/LaTeX-KOMA-template][template]], ...) - http://latex.tugraz.at/ (German) - Shell (zsh, bash) and command line tools (GNU screen, gvim, ...) - PIM (efficient workflows, todos, email, file-management, ...) - Security/Privacy (GnuPG, cloud-awareness, NSA/Snowden, ...) - Git - so much more + Research - my [[http://karl-voit.at/tagstore/downloads/Voit2012b.pdf][PhD]] which I am very proud of! - Method: [[http://karl-voit.at/tagstore/en/papers.shtml][TagTrees]] - a new method to manage and organize files and folders within traditional file systems - Research platform: [[http://karl-voit.at/tagstore/][tagstore]] - fully compatible to all current software products and major operating systems - target group: non IT professionals, Joe Average computer users - some other papers about security, Memacs, and so forth 4. Python/Org stuff [[https://github.com/novoid][on github]]: 1. [[https://github.com/novoid/dot-emacs][dot-emacs]] - my current GNU/Emacs configuration for Debian GNU/Linux and Windows 7 - a reasonable up-to-date GNU/Emacs on my old OS X 10.5 doesn't work any more 2. [[https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode][extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode]] - very handy (and basic) extraction of PDF annotations - I annotate scientific papers on Android using RepliGo reader (unfortunately discontinued), sync them via Dropbox and extract the annotations directly to my reference management (Org-mode of course) 3. [[https://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard][org-contacts2vcard]] - my very own Org to VCard export with some additional foo like privacy filters, alarms, ... - Google Calendar stopped accepting those files without reasonable error message though :-( - did not invest time to fix it yet - I want to stay independend of any cloud service 4. [[https://github.com/novoid/muttfilter.py][muttfilter.py]] - generating procmail filter rules from my Org-contacts information - no email from org-contact gets filtered out by my spam filter - my mutt alias list is extended with org-contact entries - I generate my from-addresses according to the recipient - e.g., when I write an email to company "foobar", I use foobar@MYDOMAIN as from-address 5. [[https://github.com/novoid/lazyblorg][lazyblorg]] - my shiny new very near perfect blogging system with minimal effort for lazy people like me - Org-mode -> lazyblorg (Python) -> [[http://karl-voit.at][public voit]] (my blog) - you are currently reading the output of lazyblorg :-) - English (and German) blog posts about cool topics I am interested in - lazyblorg implementation is still work in progress! - expect some progress end of 2014 - [[https://github.com/novoid/lazyblorg/blob/master/dev/lazyblorg.org][features in progress and planned features]] 5. non Org-mode related: [[http://karl-voit.at/managing-digital-photographs][How I manage my files]] - [[https://github.com/novoid/date2name][date2name]] - [[https://github.com/novoid/appendfilename][appendfilename]] - [[https://github.com/novoid/filetags][filetags]] - [[https://github.com/novoid/move2archive][move2archive]] 6. [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs][Memacs]] - [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.1332][Paper on arXiv.org]] - my current Memacs index contains: + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_filenametimestamps.org][Files]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_filenametimestamps.org][Photographs]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/tmp/bank_statements/easybank.at/memacs-easybank.org][Bank statements]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_simplephonelogs.org][Android]] - sleeping hours - working hours - reminders - charge times - misc places - text messages - phone calls + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/tmp/emails/mbox/works-for-me-hack/memacs-mbox.org][Usenet postings]] + [[https://twitter.com/n0v0id][Tweets]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/tmp/emails/mbox/works-for-me-hack/memacs-mbox.org][Emails]] + all [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_filenametimestamps.org][Web pages]] (from GNU/Linux, Windows, OS X) - including their content using [[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/shelve/][Shelve on Firefox]] + [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_git.org][Git]] and [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/blob/master/docs/memacs_svn.org][svn]] commits + Bookmarks (via Org-mode capture template) For even more information on how I organize my digital life, please take a look at my blog. You might want to start with my tags [[id:tags-pim][pim]] or [[id:tags-emacs][emacs]] to find entries like [[id:2014-08-09-personal-setup][my personal hard- and software setup]], [[id:apps-I-am-using][tools that I use]], [[id:2014-08-10-other-peoples-IT-setup][other peoples setup]], and so forth.