CLOSED: [2009-08-06 Thu 00:02] :PROPERTIES: :NUMBER_OF_COMMENTS: 1 :PUBDATE: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 00:02:04 +0200 :ID: Accepted! :CREATED: [2009-08-06 Thu 00:02] :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "NEXT" [2009-08-06 Thu 00:02] :END: Eben bekam ich ein Email mit dem Inhalt "We are pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for the [[][PIM Workshop]] to be held November 7-8, 2009 in Vancouver." Freude! Mein erstes wissenschaftliches Paper, das sich voll-inhaltlich mit dem Thema meiner Dissertation beschäftigt ist positiv reviewed und damit angenommen. Vancouver, ich komme! ------------------------- Note: this blog entry was originally authored using [[][Serendipity]] and converted to Org-mode format for publicvoit via a dumb script. This may result in bad format or even lost content. Please write a comment if you want to get in touch with me so that I can try to fix things.